Did you play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" when you were a kid? I did. Still do, as a matter of fact :-)

I did a little research and found all sort of variations in French. Here are just a few:

En France:
Pierre - Feuille - Ciseaux
Papier - Caillou - Ciseaux

Au Québec:
Roche - Papier - Ciseaux

En Belgique:
Pierre - Papier - Ciseaux

En Suisse:
Feuille - Caillou - Ciseaux

To start the game, players pound a fist into their palm. In English, I usually just say, "One, Two, Three!" before revealing rock, paper, or scissors. Just the other day, I learned that a bilingual amie of mine does this cool French chant instead:

Un, deux, trois, fleur
Un, deux, trois, lys
Un, deux, trois, fleur-de-lys!

Speaking of fleur-de-lys . . .

A few weeks ago, I wrote to you about a fantastic giveaway for a pair of fleur-de-lys earrings. I didn't win. Zut! In case you were not the lucky winner either, I wanted to share with you the huge selection of fleur-de-lys jewelry available at Amazon.com. When you purchase here, you help support this free site.

des bijoux - jewelry
un collier - necklace
des boucles d'oreille - earrings
un bracelet - bracelet
un anneau/une bague - ring

Photo Credit: by ctechs at http://www.sxc.hu/photo/933320