C'est octobre.  I love the chill that's in the air this time of the year.  It can only mean one thing . . . l'Halloween!  I took my boys costume shopping this afternoon.  Looks like I'm going to have a little pirate and a Darth Vader this year.  I can't wait to dress in costume and take the kids trick-or-treating on a dark, chilly night.  Tomorrow we're decking out our house with the paper skeletons and light-up bats.   J'adore l'Halloween!

I grew up with this holiday, but it's a relative newcomer to France.  Every year I'm amazed by how it's catching on.

Learn some spooky vocabulary in French, and challenge a friend to a game of Halloween Tic Tac Toe.  It's the latest language download by Foreign Language House.

Disguised as the classic X and O game, this effective activity encourages speaking and communication. Instead of a blank tic tac toe grid, you'll find Halloween vocabulary pictures in each square. Players must speak in order to place an X or O in a box. Beginners can just identify the picture with a single word, while more advanced speakers can make descriptions or create original sentences in a variety of tenses.

haunted house - maison hantée
bat- chauve-souris
ghost- fantôme
owl- hibou
pumpkin- citrouille
black cat- chat noir
skeleton- squelette
mummy- momie
scarecrow- épouvantail
witch- sorcière
spider - araignée

Visit the Foreign Language House storefront at Lulu.com for an ever growing collection of fun, convenient, and affordable language learning downloads. Halloween Tic Tac Toe is less than one dollar :-)

Photo Credit: by Tinneketin at http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1083110