I've decided to live vicariously through Brangelina.  Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and their six children recently moved into a lovely $70 million home.  It sits on 880 acres in the sun-drenched south of France near Aix-en-Provence. 

The amenities of Chateau Miraval include:

trente-cinq salles (35 rooms)
un vignoble (vineyard)
un lac (lake)
une forêt (forest)
deux piscines (two pools)
un gymnase (gym)
des douves (moat)

A moat?  Oh la la!

Here are a few useful phrases du jour:

J'habite dans un appartement. (zhah-beet dohnz un ah-part-a-mohn) -- I live in an apartment.
J'habite dans une maison. (zhah-beet dohnz ewn may-zohn) -- I live in a house.
J'habite dans un château. (zhah-beet dohnz uhn shah-toe) -- I live in a castle.
. . . avec des douves (ah-vek day doov) . . . with a moat.

Où habitez-vous? (ooh ah-bee-tay voo) Where do you live?

You might be interested to know that Angelina has been busy learning French the past few years.  According to this story at TheImproper.com, she eventually wants to try out for a role in a French film.  Wonder if Brad knows any French?

For more photos of the humble abode, click on this link from the Huffington Post.