When you're a kid, picking the person to be "It" for a game is serious business.  I grew up with this elimination rhyme:

Eeney meeney miney moe, 
Catch a tiger by its toe,
If he hollers let him go,
Eeney meeney miney moe.
My mother says to pick 
The very best one 
And you are not it!

Meanwhile in France, children were up to the same serious business with an equally silly rhyme:

Am, stram, gram, 
Pique et pique et colégram 
Bourre et bourre et ratatam
Am, stram, gram 

No, it doesn't mean anything.  (Though it's great practice for pronouncing the French "r"!)  Whenever you need to make a decision, turn to Am Stram Gram!